Critical Reflection
In the aspects of learning throughout the duration of the 13 weeks, there is a substantial amount, and every topic of discussion is essential. One subject matter that is truly important in my eyes would the implementation of proper citation in our works. Back in Polytechnic education, I gave only a minimum degree of attention to citation conventions, and to tell the truth, after serving 2 years of National Service, have forgotten how to cite. This module presents itself as a form of learning something new as well as a refresher in that aspect. The style of focus for citations in this class was the American Psychological Association (APA) style and now I have greater confidence in the standards required by this style when it is to be used in my works in the future. Knowing a great deal about citation conventions has proven beneficial as in the Electrical Circuits Analysis report, we were required to use (IEE) style and I was able to just tweak the report accordingly with minimal e...