Critical Thinking: The Soul Of Communication


TASK 5.2: Critical Thinking: The Soul Of Communication

How do you see communication and critical thinking impacting your future role as a leader in the workforce?


I think being chosen to be a leader is a huge responsibility. A leader is a person who is trusted among his/her friends and colleagues. A leader should be able to lead by example and is well respected and trusted among peers. In order to have the above-mentioned attributes, it is imperative that one understands the value of communication and critical thinking. A great leader is not only someone that can explain a procedure with confidence but must also be a good listener and accepts constructive criticism at times. As mentioned in the excerpt, poor communication leads to poor employee engagement and attrition. I myself have encountered workplace misunderstandings countless times due to miscommunication. Therefore, in the distant future if I were to be chosen to be a leader in the workforce, I hope I can be one with attributes listed above. A leader that can think rationally and to also be courteous and empathize with individuals.

[Last Edited: 06/09/22]


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